
Ep. 26 The Devil in the Dark

A monster is killing off miners, and the Enterprise is sent to investigate. Scanners pick up no life forms. It turns out to be a silicon-based life form, which the ship doesn't suspect or scan for. The Horta, as it calls itself, is just trying to protect its eggs. There was no malice, and Kirk and crew were able to arrange peace between the creature and the miners.

This episode began without the crew, which was unusual. I find it odd that the miners forgive the Horta for the murders so easily, and the Horta to forgive the miners killing her children, but am heartened by the much more positive than expected ending. The creature itself was very hokey, but considering when the episode was made, that can be overlooked. The concept was ahead of the technology available to bring it to life, and how can you fault Star Trek for trying to make it work anyway? It was a good episode, with some interesting ideas.

DeForrest Kelley as McCoy
James Doohan as Scotty
Eddie Paskey as Leslie

Ken Lynch as Vanderberg
Brad Weston as Ed Appel

"Please stay out of trouble, Mr. Spock."
"That is always my intention, Captain." ~ Kirk and Spock

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