
Season One - January 2008

The first season of Star Trek, this season ran during the 1966 to 1967 season. These episodes are reviewed in official numbered order, as on the DVDs, not by original air date order. Contrary to popular belief, the show began with only two stars, although a third was added in the second year. McCoy was in most of the season, and ingrained himself as one of the three leading men. There were twenty-eight one hour episodes, including "The Corbomite Maneuver", "Mudd's Women", "The Menagerie" (the series' only two parter), "Space Seed", and "The City on the Edge of Forever", some of the best episodes. Gene Roddenberry created the show, wrote many of the stories, and supervised every script through production. Many of the recurring characters, who would become the stars of the movies, were introduced including Scotty, Sulu, and Uhura, as well as Chapel. The captain also had Yeoman Rand as his aide, who was intended to be up with the major recurring characters, but would not be seen again after this season until the movies due to personal issues or budget reasons, depending on your source. A series of actors filled in the navigator chair, which would not find a permanent host until the second season. A number of crewmen such as Riley, Farrell, and Leslie were recurring in this season, but never seen again after, which was a bit sad. This season also had music and plays on the ship, which later disappeared as well.

William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk
Leonard Nimoy as Spock

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