
Ep. 11 Dagger of the Mind

An apparent insane, violent prisoner named Van Gelder escapes in a box (yes, I know how cheesy it sounds) from a prison onto the Enterprise, but claims he was a doctor at the place, which Dr. Adams readily admits when Kirk returns him. Upon investigating, Kirk gets brainwashed.

I had a real problem with Kirk and Helen testing the machine out on him. Of course Dr. Adams was going to catch them and hurt Kirk! Plus, they saw what happened to Van Gelder. Why play with that? I didn't like Helen much, anyway. Apart from that, it was a fairly boring episode. Nothing extraordinary to report. And I continued to miss the supporting cast. Hope they come back soon.

DeForrest Kelley as McCoy
Nichols as Uhura

Morgan Woodward as Dr. Simon Van Gelder
James Gregory as Dr. Tristam Adams
Marianne Hill as Dr. Helen Noel

"Interesting. You Earth people glorify organized violence for forty centuries, but you imprison those who employ it privately." ~ Spock to McCoy

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