
Ep. 22 Return of the Archons

The Enterprise investigates a planet where the starship Archon was last heard from, a century ago. They find a society that worships a computer named 'Landru', based on a leader that died 6,000 years ago. When the townspeople realize that Kirk and the others aren't 'of the body', they ask them if they are Archons. The computer wants to destroy the ship and assimilate its crew to protect its so called perfect society, but of course our guys don't buy it. The computer has the society attack, as they did when the Archon crew showed up before. It's almost like an early type of Borg, but not quite. Sulu, McCoy, and others are brain washed and join 'the body'. Kirk out logics the computer and destroys it, of course. Lindstrom and a team stay behind to help the new society exist without the computer control.

First of all, did it really take a century to send a rescue group? Secondly, when Sulu called for an emergency transport, they sure took their sweet time beaming him up. Third, how is their host who helps them escape not obeying the computer? He is surely of the body, is he not? And if not, how does he survive in the society? I know Reger tried to explain it away, but I didn't buy it. And why was Kirk the one who out smarted the computer, instead of the more obvious choice of Spock? This episode was too far fetched, even for me. I'm sorry, but it ranks on the low end of the spectrum in terms of story quality.

DeForrest Kelley as McCoy
James Doohan as Scotty
George Takei as Sulu
Nichelle Nichols as Uhura
Eddie Paskey as Leslie

Harry Townes as Reger
Charles Macaulay as Landru
Torin Thatcher as Marphon
Christopher Held as Lindstrom

"You'd make a splendid computer, Mr. Spock."
"That is very kind of you, Captain." ~ Kirk & Spock

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